Will Smith Happily Gay Married

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jhanson - August 4, 2015

Gay Will Smith and his lesbian wife are not getting a divorce because they're probably not actually married plus that would be a huge hassle. Namely Scientology has enough on their plate without another character assassination. Smith took to Twitter and said about twelve things that straight guys don't:

"Under normal circumstances, I don't usually respond to foolishness. (Because it's contagious) But, so many people have extended me their "deepest condolences" that I figured - "What the hell... I can be foolish, too!" So, in the interest of redundant, repetitious, over & over-again-ness... Jada and I are... NOT GETTING A DIVORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!! : -) I promise you all - if I ever decide to divorce my Queen - I SWEAR I'll tell you myself! ?#?Dumb? People Should Have to Wear Scarlet D's"

There are a few rules in life, namely you don't have longer hair than your wife. Also she's not a queen but you are. I don't know what Scarlet D means but I also don't frequent The Manhole in the Castro while wearing a bad hat I just bought at the gas station. Keep writing those checks to Miscavige. #dumb #closet.

Photo Credit: Twitter 

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