Vanderbilt Head Football Coach Sticks his Cleats in his Mouth

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bill-swift - June 2, 2012

Ask Vanderbilt head coach James Franklin if there is a method to his madness and he will likely say yes. Ask him now whether he should keep it to himself after the storm that he has gone through after sharing some of his method recently, and he'll say yes to that to (if he knows what's good for him).

Recently Franklin explained what he looks for in an assistant head coach. It had nothing to do with knowledge of the 'Xs and Os' involved with the game. The amount of college and or professional playing experience was not important either. In fact, the big thing he looked for in prospective employees had absolutely nothing to do with the game of football.

Anyone wanting to be an assistant head coach on his staff has to have a hot wife.

After you have a good laugh on this you'll realize that his logic is not too crazy here. Franklin believes that if a man has the courage to approach a beautiful woman, and then the personality to make her actually fall in love with him, then the man must have what it takes to walk into a high school and sell a top-notch recruit on coming to Vanderbilt.

It's all about confidence. Although his logic is anything but PC you have to admit that it makes sense.

Franklin has since back-tracked off his comments. Someone must have told him that true as it might be, it was still pretty stupid to say. Either that or he realized the flaw in his logic.

If a man has an ultra hot wife, it is true that he is one confident SOB, but if she is really hot why on earth would he ditch her to spend 100+ hours a week during the season prepping the team, not to mention the recruiting road trips he'll have to go on in the offseason?

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