Turns Out, ‘Overwatch’ Cosplayers Have Mixed Feelings About Overwatch Porn

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chris-littlechild - August 12, 2016

  Maybe I’ve just watched the Terminator movies too many times, but there’s something about artificial intelligence that scares the holy hell out of me. Whether it’s SkyNet or those angry silver assholes who tried to kill Will Smith in I, Robot, I don’t want any part of the machine revolution.  

But it’s also something deeper than that. I wonder sometimes what video game characters are thinking and feeling. Whether they’re inwardly complaining at how much we suck ass as they’re killed for the twelfth time, whether that Dark Souls boss’s big ol’ cleaver hurts. Way more important than that, though, I wonder what these fictional characters would think if they could see the porn that the Internet has made starring them.

True, I don’t actually wonder any of that in any kind of way. The whole idea’s a neat little segue into this, though: Overwatch porn, as narrated by Overwatch cosplayers.

Now, if you were dressed as Princess Peach, you’d probably be feeling a little uncomfortable watching footage of ‘yourself’ being taken roughly from behind by Bowser. That wouldn’t be a good time, for a whole range of reasons. But that’s exactly the situation D Piddy put these four unfortunate Overwatch fans into.

Watch as Reaper, Lucio, D.Va and Tracer’s alter egos cheer, wince and compliment each others’ firm butts along with the on-screen action (said action is censored, but I’m going to slap a NSFW warning on it anyway):

Via Kotaku

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