Tom Cruise Brings Us a Final Sneak Peek of ‘The Mummy’ (VIDEO)

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brian-mcgee - June 7, 2017


Starting tomorrow night, we'll finally get to lay eyes on The Mummy, the much hyped kickoff to the Universal Monsters Shared Cinematic Universe. Tom Cruise introduces this final sneak peek at the film which features some footage we haven't seen before, and proclaims in the film that The Mummy is one of his favorite monsters. Well, with about six to choose from, I imagine The Mummy would be in the top 3. 

Perhaps the best piece of advertising to come out of this whole promotional push for The Mummy is that trailer that was released back in December where the dialogue and music were missing, leaving us with only sound effects. It's hilarious and did more to make me want to see the movie than any other piece of advertising...


That scream that Cruise lets out starting at the 1:13 mark is among the funniest things I've ever heard. If there were a guarantee that we'd hear that isolated scream in the film proper, I'd probably go see this thing ten times this summer. Either way, expect a rip-roaring good time at the movies when The Mummy opens tomorrow night!

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