This ‘Lone Ranger’ Death Has Got Nothing On These Other Brutal On-Set Accidents

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bill-swift - September 25, 2012

TMZ broke the story that a crew-member has died on-set of the new Lone Ranger movie starring Armie Hammer as the titular western hero and Johnny Depp as his loyal Native American sidekick Tonto. Foul play is not suspected in the death of the 48-year-old welder and water safety adviser, who collapses from a suspected heart attack while working on the film.

Everyone knows that making films can be dangerous. If it's a Lindsay Lohan movie, you may not even know if she'll show up. Safety is usually the first concern on-set but sometimes accidents do happen, like casting Guy Pearce in Prometheus. 

Check out the gallery for the absolute on-set accidents ever!

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