This App Gets a Cute Girl to Stare at You All Day for Just $14

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bill-swift - November 18, 2012

Can't figure out where to go on a Saturday night? Need a little help falling asleep after a long day of mind-numbing gaming? Bored with how your day is going so far? There's an app for each of these situations that you might find yourself in once in a while.

Want a cute girl to stare at you whenever you're alone? Well, there's an app for that, too.

Gents and gents, introducing...the Watching Cute Girl app! The name does not disappoint, because what you see (or rather, what you read) is what you get.

This cute Asian girl will stare at you and say a few choice words whenever she feels like it at different times of the day so you won't feel too lonely. It's cheaper than paying for a couple of cuddles in a Japanese cuddle cafe (yes, the one called Soine-ya. You might have already heard of it!) and you're assured of instant company, whenever and wherever.

You can download the Watching Girl App on iTunes for $0.99. It's currently on sale, too, so don't delay or you might have to pay full price (that's $3.99) if you do!

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