The Reason Why You Don’t Want Ben Affleck to Be Batman Is the Exact Reason He’s Doing It

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bill-swift - December 10, 2013

When it was announced this past summer that Ben Affleck had been chosen to play Batman in the Man of Steel sequel, the fabric of space and time was torn asunder and the universe nearly collapsed upon itself, threatening to create a black whole that would swallow all of existence and turn it into nothingness.

Or at least, that's what you would have thought based on people's reactions. The reality is, even if Matt Damon's better half really does suck as the Dark Knight, the world will go on existing. Probably.

Still, the concerns about the casting of Batman vs. Superman valid. The only other time Affleck played a superhero—in 2003's Daredevil—he really did suck. However, if it's any comfort to you Batmanophiles out there, at least Affleck knows how bad Daredevil and is confident he won't suck that bad this time.

He recently had a little sitdown with Playboy—just for the interview, of course—and admitted the following:

 The only movie I actually regret is Daredevil. It just kills me. I love that story, that character, and the fact that it got fucked up the way it did stays with me. Maybe that's part of the motivation to do Batman.

And what does he have to say to all the haters?

I understand I'm at a disadvantage with the internet. If I thought the result would be another Daredevil, I'd be out there picketing myself. [laughs] Why would I make the movie if I didn't think it was going to be good and that I could be good in it?

So there you have it. Ben Affleck is not going to suck at Batman precisely because he sucked at Daredevil. Are you satisfied, internet?

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