The Kennedy Curse Strikes Again

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bill-swift - May 18, 2012

The Kennedys are in the news again and not for anything good. It looks like Robert Kennedy, Jr's ex-wife Mary has committed suicide. Every family has tragedies but the Kennedys seem to have more than their fair share. It's hard to know why they are so unlucky. Is it because they are public figures, they are self-destructive, or that God just plain hates them? My guess it's that it is all of the above.

People have come to call their hardships the Kennedy curse. We all know about the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy as well as the tragic plane crash of JFK, Jr. But those are just three of the worse things to happen to America's Irish aristocrats. Here are 5 other victims of the Kennedy Curse:

Rosemary Kennedy

Never heard of her? It's not surprising. Rosemary was the third child of Joseph Kennedy Sr. and Rose Kennedy. Now, one thing to remember about the Kennedy clan is that Joe, Sr. was a serious son of a bitch. He made his money as a bootlegger and was downright abusive to his kids. It seems that Rosemary was a little on the slow side and suffered from mood swings. Today she could have easily been treated with medication. Even back in the 40's there were treatments for her condition that could have made her life better. Instead, Joe, Sr. decided that he wanted a more permanent solution to his embarrassing daughter. So, he had her lobotomized! Poor Rosemary spent the rest of her life unable to speak or take care of herself. She died in 2005. There is a special place in hell for Joe, Sr.

Joseph Kennedy, Jr.

Joe, Jr. was the oldest son and the golden boy in his father's eyes. He was smart, good looking, charming, and ambitious. Everyone thought it was he who would one day be president. Joe, Sr. treated his other three sons like crap. He thought Jack was a walking hard-on, Bobby was weak, and Teddy was an idiot. Joe, Sr. had been the ambassador to England and supported Neville Chamberlain's appeasement treaty with Hitler. Dumb mistake. So, in order to save his political butt, he had Joe, Jr. sign up for the Navy to help England fight the Nazis. Joe, Jr's plane was shot down in 1944. How'd that work out for you Joe, Sr?

William Kennedy Smith

This piece of work was the son of Jean Kennedy, sister to JFK and the gang. He became a doctor but was much better at sexually assaulting women. In 1991, he and his party animal uncle Teddy were clubbing in Miami Beach. Will met a young girl and took her on a walk on the beach. The girl alleged that Will raped her. Teddy couldn't act as a witness because he had passed out on the beach. During the trial, three different women came forward to testify that Will had sexually assaulted them as well. But, as we all know, rich White dudes rarely get convicted. He was acquitted on all charges. He was again acquitted in 2005 for doing the same thing. Ladies, you do not want to be alone with this guy.

Teddy Kennedy

Edward Kennedy was a tireless senator who spent almost 50 years in congress, since he took over for his brother Jack. He was also a raging alcoholic and poon hound. I've personally heard stories from pretty friends who worked as congressional aides, who said Teddy would pull up in a limo with a bottle of champagne and the promise of a good time. In 1969, there was serious talk that Teddy would follow in his brother's footsteps and run for president in '72. That was until he got drunk and drove off a bridge along with a lady friend named Mary Jo Kopechne. Teddy got out and walked to town but didn't get help for hours by which time poor Mary Jo had died. That's pretty suspicious, eh? Though he was acquitted of wrongdoing, it forever killed Teddy's chances of being POTUS.

Michael Skakel

Don't think that you have to be a blood relation to the Kennedys to be affected by the curse. It transmits through marriage too. Michael Skakel is the nephew of RFK's widow Ethel. This winner was known for his violence, drug abuse, and alcoholism. In 1975, he was accused of beating his brother's girlfriend, Martha Moxley, to death with a golf club, sexually assaulting her, and leaving her body under a tree. He wasn't brought to trial until 2002. He admitted to masturbating in the tree earlier in the evening, but that he wasn't there when she died. Umm...that's not much of a defense, dude. Needless to say he was sent to prison for the rest of his life.

Article By Jack Tomas >

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