The Continuing Adventures of William Shatner’s Kidney Stone

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bill-swift - January 19, 2006

Two months ago, Egotastic! reported that William Shatner planned to sell his kidney stone on eBay to raise money for Habitat for Humanity. An odd way to go about it, sure, especially when you're a freaking millionaire like Shatner, but a fun way none the less.

Well, Shatner made good on his idea, and recently sold said kidney stone to, saying:

This takes organ donors to a new height, to a new low, maybe. How much is a piece of me worth?

Well, about $25,000 actually. That's what paid to add Shatner's calcium build-up, and the surgical stent and string used to permit passage of the stone to their collection of oddities which includes a cheese sandwich said to contain the image of the Virgin Mary. Shatner also added:

It's so big, you'd want to wear it on your finger. If you subjected it to extreme heat, it might turn out to be a diamond.

Well, I think not, but you go ahead and keep thinking that, Bill.

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