Teenage Mutant Ninja Treetle: TMNT Reincarnated As a Tree

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bill-swift - January 3, 2014

So Michael Bay is planning to release his version of TMNT but we aren't so excited after all the news and leaks that imply that it's pretty much going to be a dud. Especially the part about taking the 'mutant' thing out of the equation.

Even Mother Nature is pretty pissed about the direction he's taking. Why, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Treetle recently made an experience and it doesn't look too happy. Yikes!

Kidding aside, this humongous tree knot was spotted by some observant folks who immediately noticed its resemblance to the world-famous mutant turtles. Now it's time to look for some tree knot pizzas... Lead the way!

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