‘Stranger Things’ Honest Trailer Takes Plenty of Digs at Season 1 (VIDEO)

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brian-mcgee - November 8, 2017


Everybody loves Stranger Things, but even the show's most ardent admirers and defenders must admit that the show has its fair share of flaws. The latest Honest Trailer takes dead aim at the show's first season and pokes plenty of holes in its otherwise hard shell exterior.

If I had to pick a favorite moment from the trailer, it would have to be the line, "Fan favorite Barb, the most talked about character with the least amount of screen time since Boba Fett." Don't get me wrong, I liked Barb and thought she was a sweet character that a lot of people could relate to, but she was in about fifteen minutes total of the entire series. I'll never understand why people latch on to the things they latch on to.

Also, if you're spoiler averse and haven't finished the second season yet, fear not! This trailer only skewers the first season, so nothing about Sean Astin and his doofus routine in this one. I'm sure that when season three premieres, we'll all finally get the takedown of Bob Newby that so many of us want. Sorry, sorry, I'll keep it spoiler free here as well. Stranger Things Seasons 1 and 2 are currently available to stream on Netflix.

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