‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Trailer Finally Debuts (VIDEO)

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brian-mcgee - February 5, 2018


A teaser trailer debuted during the first quarter of last night's Super Bowl for the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story. It ended with the promise of a full trailer on this morning's Good Morning America, and sure enough we got it. The really strange thing is that they were two totally different trailers, which almost never happens these days. Most of the time, you would've expected to see thirty seconds of the longer trailer during a tease, but the trailer that debuted this morning is totally different and though it features some of the same shots, it tells a different story. Check out the one from last night...


So yeah, they start the same but then each goes off in its own direction. This one also features very little of Alden Ehrenreich's Han Solo, whereas the full length trailer has him front and center the whole time. It honestly wouldn't make much sense to keep the title character under wraps until the film opens, but I wouldn't put anything past Lucasfilm's marketing department. 

So what do we think? It's obviously hard to tell, but I'm shocked there's this much completed footage. I thought for sure the trailer was going to announce the new Christmas 2018 release date, but they've made it official. This thing opens 41 years to the day after Star Wars—May 25, 2018—and I expect it to be every bit as nostalgic as that release date would suggest.

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