Perfect Toast With ‘Shades of Toast’ and Other Bizarre Toasters That Should Exist

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bill-swift - January 17, 2013

For years, they've been telling us how important breakfast is. We're not contesting that fact; all we're saying is that if you live alone and spend most nights partying working late, then breakfast isn't the easiest meal to fix up, owing to the fact that you're still probably fucked up bad over what went down the previous night.

On the other hand, if you do manage to fire up enough brain cells to work your toaster, chances are you won't have enough time to toast your bread and eat it too, no thanks to a perpetually busted alarm clock.

The solution? Automated, 'smart' toasters that can do what they're supposed to do, even if you're not there. Toasters like the Hue, which can toast bread to your desired shade of brown thanks to its color sensors. The catch? It's  just a concept design, meaning it's not for sale as of the moment, so you'll have to stick with regular, old manual toasters for the moment.

Check out the gallery for more unusual and occasionally bizarre toasters (and concepts) that might one day help you kickstart your mornings!

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