Satanists Friggin Loves “The Witch”

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bill-swift - February 23, 2016

This past weekend I went to see The Witch, the indie horror movie about a family of puritans in the 1600's and their pet goat Black Phillip. I won't give anything away, because I thought it was really friggin good, but let's just say that things go a little sideways for the family after a game of peek-a-boo goes horribly wrong. The movie doesn't pretend to apologize for the vision of witchcraft from the time in which it was in league with the devil. IT'S TOTALLY in league with the devil, but that's OK. In a weird way, Satan and his minions are kind of the heroes of the movie. It is for this reason that real life Satanists The Satanic Temple have given the movie its stamp of approval. In the early days, when The Witch was just another movie at Sundance, The Satanic Temple mailed its followers to support this film that reflected their values. Satanic dude and head of the Detroit chapter of The Satanic Temple Jex Blackmore says of the film,

"The themes in the film mirrored the things we talk about in our work. It's a criticism of a theocratic patriarchal society and a fair representation of the stresses that puts on a community."

Look, I don't know about all of that. All I know is that I wanted that hot blond girl and Black Phillip to get the hell away from those puritanical d-bags. Not that I'm going to go off and join the Satanic Temple. I like wearing colors other than black and I think Swedish death metal is kind of silly. Still, freedom of religion, right? 

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