PS3 Takes Another Hit With Borderlands 2 Split Screen Issues

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bill-swift - September 21, 2012

As an open-minded gamer, I own several different gaming consoles and made sure actually try all the current gen competitors out before picking one to side with. After a few years of console hopping, I had chosen Sony's Playstation 3 as it seemed like the most advanced and sophisticated system...the free online didn't hurt either. I've been happy with Playstation for years now but the amounts of hits it's been taking recently is starting to really alarm me.The first real issue with the PS3 was the horrible lag and loading screens associated with Bethesda's massive open world RPG 'Skyrim'. It made it nearly impossible to play for more than a couple hours and seemed to get worse the farther you went into the game. It's also delayed (possibly permanently) Skyrim's DLC expansion 'Dawnguard' and most likely all others to come, including the newly released 'Hearthfire'.

Playstation's latest blow has been dealt by Borderlands 2, which is another one of the biggest games of 2012. While I haven't experienced this issue myself, many have reported major issues with the wrong profiles being selected when entering a co-op game. It's not the worst thing in the world but the second issue is a little more so. Many players have been claiming that when creating two characters under the same profile, only one will be saved; leaving your buddy pretty screwed...and most likely, angry.

Let's all pray that this issue is fixed soon because God knows the PS3 doesn't need to be beaten down any further right before the next gen of gaming arrives in the coming years. Also, on a side note, if I go home tonight and find my Borderlands 2 save file missing...well there will be hell to pay.

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