Miley Cyrus Loves to Show Her Legs and Bras on Even the Most Casual of Public Ventures

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bill-swift - September 29, 2011

Miley Cyrus may have an unemployed brother knocking up fellow Disney starlet, Brenda Song, and she may have a mom knocking thorns with Bret Michaels, and she may have a voice like an elderly smoker trapped at a quarry beneath a pile of loose gravel crying out for help, but you can't take away how comfortably the little pop star shows off her legs in short shorts, or reveals her bra beneath her endless wardrobe of see-through tops. Miley was born with some natural gifts, no, not acting, or singing, or improv, or dancing, but the ability to look like a Tennessee little cut-off jean shorts honey? Yep, she's got that down. Enjoy.

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