Mastermind Of The Day: Reza Baluchi – The Bubble Man

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Michael Garcia - September 12, 2016

In honor of the wayward criminals of the comedy, Masterminds, in theaters September 30, we're taking a look at some of our world's most inept, clumsy, and dumb-ass criminals.

Florida is like our Australia. It is basically a criminal population. I can say that with certainty because half my family lives there and many of them are crooks. Whenever a weird news story comes up, where someone commits an odd crime or acts like a general weirdo, it is often in or around Florida. So, it's of little surprise that today's criminal mastermind story comes from the Sunshine State. Reza Baluchi has been arrested for a third time by the coast guard and the Jacksonville police for trying to walk to Bermuda in a giant inflatable bubble. Dubbed "The Bubble Man", this genius invented a big inflatable hamster ball and wants to use it to walk to Bermuda. The last time he was picked up a couple of weeks ago, he pulled out a knife and held it to his chest and threatened to kill himself if he was not allowed to continue on his trip. The authorities were not impressed and hauled him and his bubble in to shore.

I think this is the state overstepping its bounds. I think that if a man wants to do something incredibly stupid that can't hurt anyone else besides them, then I say go for it. Either way this guy appears to have a death wish. I believe that Darwinian evolution is being hampered by the cops and coast guard in Florida. Let nature take its course and allow this idiot to drown like nature intended. 

See the Masterminds trailer. 

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