Maryna Linchuk Lingerie Pictures Bring in the Professional Heat

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bill-swift - September 17, 2011

When you need to big sales, you bring in the big guns. And when you're looking for big time early holiday lingerie pimping, you bring in supermodel Maryna Linchuk, a still not universally known supermodel, who commands big time dollars on the world hotness stage.

For a bazillion and one shekels, Maryna Linchuk will the bring the full force of her epic hotness and ridiculously sexy body to bear behind the visual promotion of your bras and panties and little swimwear pieces, as she's currently doing for both Victoria's Secret and H&M, double dipping on the silky nothings. And, oh, by the way, it's working, as per my credit card company calling me to verify that I've just purchased four paychecks worth of women's undergarments. Oh, Sue from Mastercard Securty Department, will you ever accept my personal fetishes? Enjoy.

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