Lisa Rinna Twitpics Bikini Pic As Bodily Evidence That She’s Still Got It

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bill-swift - November 5, 2011

Making her comeback to the boob tube soaps in a couple weeks, the now 48-year old Lisa Rinna wanted to make a statement about her body prep work for her return, Twitpicking out a shot of herself in her newly re-formed bikini body, and, well, if you ignore all the 90210-type assistance and the ever-blown up lips, it's hard to deny that the veteran actress has got something something going on. Still no chance in heck I ever watch a minute of Days of Our Lives (being that I'm now addicted to the nekkid-getting hotties of the Latin American soaps), but give credit where it's due, right between Lisa's bikini'd up boobs. Enjoy.

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