Paris Hilton Makes Me Angry

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bill-swift - March 1, 2006

Paris Hilton deserves a big smack upside the head for comparing herself to Charlize Theron. (IDLYITW)

And give Paris another good smack for subjecting us to another season of her stupid show. (DListed)

Hey, does anyone remember Jewel? I think she was a singer or something. Yeah, I didn't think so. (Hollywood Tuna)

Mardi Gras isn't just another reason for celebrities to pretend they care about Katrina victims. It's also a chance for Britney Spears to wear her new wig. Classy. (Pink is the New Blog)

Gee, who knew that a cocaine bust could be such a career boost? Kate Moss, for one. (A Socialite's Life)

Tomkat live it up in Tahiti. Man I hope they stay there. Say it with me everybody: "Tom Cruise is a Tool!" (Just Jared)

Janice Dickinson is beyond scary. (Hollywood Rag)

Come on! Vince Vaughn does not deserve $20 million for his next movie. (Popsugar)

J. Lo gets her nipples tweaked in this blast from the past. (CityRag)

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