Lindsay might go to jail for 30 days before going to jail

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editor - September 22, 2010

I don't know why I let myself get excited over stuff like this anymore, because it never works out the way I want it to (rape-filled) but it's entirely possible that when the judge formally revokes Lindsay Lohans bail on Friday, he'll make her wait in jail until her hearing, and that my friends, could take anywhere from a week to 30 days. Radar says...

"Lindsay could be remanded directly into custody on Friday, pending the probation violation hearing, and it's very likely that Judge Fox will do that."

Very. Likely.

"Lindsay was allowed to remain out on bail last time until her probation violation hearing, but Judge Fox probably won't give her that privilege because of her failed drug test, and this is her second probation violation hearing in less than three months."

Also keep in mind that when she had a court date 5 months ago she went to France instead and pretended to lose her passport. You really think she's gonna stick around this time if things are looking bad? If he doesn't lock her up she might go to France and never come back. Wait, what side of this am I on, again?

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