Lindsay Lohan is Pregnant Now!?

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bill-swift - January 5, 2006

Man, enough with the Lindsay Lohan already. Even I'm getting annoyed. But "news" is news and I would be remiss if I didn't let my readers know about the freaky, crazy, weird remours revolving around Lindsay right now.

So what's up this time, you ask? Well, if the post title didn't clue you in already, people are saying that Lindsay might actually be pregnant. Best Week Ever got the email scoop:

A friend of Lindsay Lohan returns to Mount Sinai Medical Center with some shopping including a Pregnancy Test. The woman left the hospital in the early hours of Wednesday with Lindsay Lohan's limo driver. She returned to the Emergency Department at 1:30 am with several overnight bags and food shopping including a Pregnancy test, Playing cards, mouthwash, Coke, and a box of Cocoa Puffs. The friend declined to comment on Lindsay's condition.

In the first picture below, you can kinda see the E.P.T pregnancy testing kit, as well as the Cocoa Puffs. Mmm.... Cocoa Puffs.... I don't know. Seems kinda weird that Lindsay would need a pregnancy test in a hospital. Yes no?

And don't forget to check out the Lindsay Lohan "Nude" Pictures from Vanity Fair.

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