Lindsay Lohan Fall Down Go Boom

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bill-swift - May 3, 2006

Life imitates art. Or at least it imitates inane movie plot ideas. At least, that's the case for Lindsay Lohan. In what is surely just the latest publicity stunt for her new movie "Just My Luck" (in which Lindsay plays a girl who loses her good luck and becomes accident prone), Lyndsay broke her foot while stepping out of the shower yesterday, reports

"I was coming out of the shower yesterday morning and I slipped," says the actress, who's sporting a wrapped ankle and foot, a navy Chanel dress, black leggings and flats. "I have a hairline fracture in my foot. I can't wear heels though. That's the bad thing."

Lohan isn't letting a little injury slow her down though. Even when she sprained her ankle on the set of "Just My Luck," the starlet was fanatic about working out -- doing crunches, leg lifts and other exercises -- whenever the mood struck.

"This is one thing that I always do and people think I'm a little crazy. I just drop and do pushups," she confesses. "I'm always doing pushups. My friends can vouch for me because they said I had really skinny arms. And my brother used to make fun of me because I couldn't do pushups."

Lohan insists that she doesn't cheat and resort to doing girly pushups. Challenged by the gathered journalists and her co-stars -- Samaire Armstrong, Bree Turner and Chris Pine -- she says she can do "As many as I can. I'm pretty good. I can do a good amount."

That's right, not content to stop with just the pity vote, Lindsay dropped to the floor and did twelve pushups, right there in front of all the reporters. Of course, I don't care about all that, I'm just thinking about the fact that after she slipped, she was probably lying on the bathroom floor, wet and naked.

Check out more pictures of Lindsay Lohan at the press conference for "Just My Luck" after the jump.

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