Kendall Jenner Leans In Too Fix The Busting-Out Skirt on Her Shorter, Fatter, Older Sister

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bill-swift - November 24, 2012

We couldn't help but recall Cinderella having to clean up after her doted upon ugly stepsisters as Kendall Jenner leaned in to fix the waist line on the skirt of her shorter, fatter, aging street walking half-sister Kim Kardashian as the Kardashian Merchandising Mafia headed to the set of The X-Factor to support their bastard inside linebacker half-sister Khloe Kardashian who has somehow landed a hostess role on the making-of-a-popstar music talent show.

While Kendall continues to play the role of the dutiful younger sister, we can't help but notice her peering down from her tall model perch above her money-washed now chubby star sister and thinking about how it won't be long now before she takes over as chief earner in the family, and, hence, the better parking sport for her Range Rover at the compound. Heck, she probably even eats real food in front of Kim who is left to gnaw upon an amphetamine and call it lunch.

Kendall, your time is coming. Enjoy.

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