Keira Knightley Wants More Sex

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bill-swift - April 20, 2006

Oh the life of a young, hot celebrity. Who would have thought one of the drawbacks to being rich, famous, and beautiful would be not enough sex? Well, apparently not Keira Knightley or her father. The Sun reports that Keira Knightley's father wished she weren't as famous so young, so that she could have had a more "normal" teenage life.

Hollywood starlet Keira Knightley has admitted she regrets finding fame so early.

The young actress burst on to our screens in Bend In Like Beckham when she was just 17 years old - but wishes she could have had enjoyed a more private teen life.

She told Eclipse magazine: "My father says: 'I wish this had happened in five years' time, you could have been 20 and got really pissed and slept with loads of people and no one would have known.'

"That would have been great.

"It's like you've got to be perfect. Holding any 20-year-old up as a role model is completely idiotic. I think that's bollocks."

Wow! Talk about your cool dad, and daughter for that matter. Frankly it is stupid to make a 20-year-old into a role model, but then, maybe we've got the perfect role model right here. I say to any young girls out there, follow the example of Keira Knightley and Lindsay Lohan. Sex is fine. Just be safe, and don't do all those drugs. That's gross.

Here are some pictures of Keira Knightley on the set of her latest film, Silk.

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