‘Justice League’ Featurette Focuses on Ray Fisher’s Cyborg (VIDEO)

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brian-mcgee - October 24, 2017


AT&T is going nuts over their partnership with DC's Justice League, creating a behind the scenes video about the whole team and now a new one that focuses on the newest member of the League, Victor Stone aka Cyborg, played by Ray Fisher. It's a good introduction for anyone not familiar with the character, or those only familiar with the character via his jokey persona on Teen Titans GO!, or those who've read the comics because even they know that Zack Snyder's bound to change a bunch of stuff.

Anyway, it looks like Joss Whedon's big contribution to the character thus far is fixing the garbage cgi that plagued him in the first few trailers. It looks substantially better here and in the most recent trailer, but it's still got a ways to go. Another checkmark in the plus column has to be Joe Morton as Vic's dad Silas Stone, a big player down at the cracker factory that is DC Comics. Unfortunately it appears as though he's gonna meet an untimely demise in this flick, which is a damn shame.

In fact, with a confirmed two hour and one minute running time, I'm betting lots of stuff ends up on the cutting room floor. Look for a three and a half hour cut on Blu-ray next year. Also, keep your eyes peeled for the guy who played Jimmy Olsen in the Christopher Reeve Superman movies in a brief cameo as a bumbling cop. More stuff in there for the fans, awesome. 

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