Julia Fox Thinks Men Need to Wash Their Butts More Aggressively!

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Echo Lawrence - October 26, 2022

Julia Fox has been sharing her opinions of basically everything over on TikTok, in-between videos showing us how she bleaches her eyebrows or paints her nails and today she is talking about a deeper form of self care; washing your butt crack.

The model and all around IT Girl let us know her thoughts on why some men apparently avoid washing in between their butt crack. I didn't realize this was an issue or a thing, but I guess I don't hang out with enough men or maybe I'm just not asking about their butt cleaning techniques and maybe that's on me not being a good enough friend...

Julia says that basically, men who don't wash their buttholes are just scared of being secretly gay. Watch the video below to hear exactly what she thinks about this subject and let me know in the comments if you agree or not because I am dying to know how everyone is washing their buttholes!

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