Justin Bieber Takes Hailey Out in His Futuristic Rolls-Royce
Justin Bieber Flaunts His Futuristic Rolls ... On Date Night with Hailey

The car that made Justin Bieber cry is now his date night ride ... and it looks like all his tears were worth it.
JB took his wife, Hailey, out for dinner at Matsuhisa in Bev Hills Wednesday night, and he got to show off his futuristic whip -- a custom 2018 Rolls-Royce Wraith that was 3 years in the making.
The 2 arrived in style, and ya gotta think the valet driver Justin handed his keys to was pumped to give the RoboCop Rollie a spin. Or maybe he was racked with nerves.
Later, Bieber gave everyone a good look at the car's sick wheel covers and spaceship-looking features as the couple left the restaurant. Note how super careful he was not to bottom out this time!! Live and learn.

As we first told you ... the crew over at West Coast Customs masterminded the Biebs' jaw-dropping ride, and when they first showed him the finished product earlier this year ... he got a little emotional.
Can't blame him -- this thing's a unique work of art.