Gary Busey Unleashes New Acronyms to Help You Get to Sleep; Good Luck Ever Sleeping Again (VIDEO)

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brian-mcgee - November 7, 2018

Gary Busey is every nephew's dream uncle. He's absolutely batshit crazy, has an acronym for every occasion, and—by his rep's own admission—has no idea who Cardi B is. Busey was scheduled to do an interview with Rolling Stone about his new book "Buseyisms" when the reporter decided he'd also like to exploit the actor's unique gift for getting in front of a camera and spouting off some absolutely unhinged thoughts.

In addition to the Q&A, Rolling Stone asked if the actor would get in on the ASMR craze and record one of these "of the moment" trendy videos. His rep was having none of it, but encouraged them to propose it to Busey as analogous to Jeff Bridges' famous "Sleeping Tapes" experiment. That tactic failed miserably, as indicated by Busey's response...

“No. I’m not doing that. I’m not comparing anything to my soulmate Jeff. No. I’m not going there.”

But fear not, intrepid reader and Gary Busey enthusiast—for surely those are the only people left at this point. Busey had a counteroffer for Rolling Stone to consider...

“I’m gonna tell you what I learned from my spiritual meaning with Siddha yoga and Sanskrit and the beauty of meditation and prayer,” he adds. “That is the way you go to sleep.”

The results are below. Proceed with caution...

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