‘Dr. Who’ Nerds: The Twelfth Doctor Is Peter Capaldi

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bill-swift - August 6, 2013

If you more-than-casually care aboutDr. Who, this concerns you. If you're obsessed with Dr. Who, than you probably already knew hours ago that the regenerated Twelfth Doctor will be played by Scotsman Peter Capaldi.

For those of us very casual Who-geeks, this one of those, 'Oh cool, that guy...' moments. Capaldi warmed the cockles of my cold dead heart  as the hilariously peckish and foul-mouthed Malcolm Tucker from the British-American film In the Loop. In that surprisingly amazing indie sleeper, Capaldi weaves a tapestry of profanity that may be the apex of human swearing. Who knew that such a character could drive a whole ninety minutes of film? Certainly not I.

Look --  again -- if you're a huge Whovian, you already know that the eighth season of Doctor Who won't start  until a year from now,  but that this December we'll see the latest Christmas Special where very likely the current Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) will transform into number Twelve. There's also a high likelihood we'll see Capaldi's Twelve appear in November's 50th Anniversary Special. If you're not anywhere near being a Whovian...I totally get it, it's a serious investment and all. Some of us have no lives and live in very cold and dark basements. Some of us.

Here's Capaldi's best In the Loop moments:

Tagged in: dr who , television ,

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