CSI: College (Football) Suffers Indictments

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bill-swift - February 17, 2012

Every year there is one thing that you can count on with college football—someone will be unhappy with the national championship. Could the system be tweaked and made better? Probably, but let's be real here—there is always going to be someone who feels cheated at the end of the season.

What the NCAA should be more concerned about is the number of future convicts it creates rather than NFL stars. I'm not just talking about guys like Terrelle Pryor who got a few tattoos and sold some gear for party money, but the Maurice Clarett's that get busted with a trunk full of guns.

The spirit of Maurice Clarett lives on in college football, most recently at Texas Christian University. After a six month investigation 17 students—including four football players of whom three were projected to be starters in 2012—were arrested for dealing a variety of drugs (and they call themselves Christians!).

All four players-- linebacker Tanner Brock, defensive tackle D.J. Yendrey, strong safety Devin Johnson and offensive tackle Ty Horn—have since been released from the team. What's ironic about the whole mess is that barely a year ago TCU was found to be the only top 25 football program free of criminal records!

To make matters worse for TCU, if Brock can be believed there are only about 20 guys on the team right now that could pass a drug test. Way to throw everyone under the bus there buddy!

Do we put so much focus on physical ability and what these kids can do on the football field that we are creating as many future convicts as we are future NFL stars? That could very well be the case.

The study mentioned above was printed in a popular sports magazine in March of last year. According to it, parents might want to think twice before sending their kids to these schools. If you happen to go to school there now make sure you use the buddy system at night!

These schools were found to have the highest number of players with criminal records:

10. Miami—8 players

7. Wisconsin, Oklahoma, and Florida State—each with 7 players

6. Virginia Tech—13 players

4. Penn State and Boise State—16 players

2. Arkansas and Iowa—18 players

And the school with the highest number of players with criminal records is….Pittsburgh with 22! Someone should enroll these guys in  the Ben Roethlisberger Satellite School for Ethics--not good.

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