Christina Milian Showing the Kids How It’s Done

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Lex Jurgen - March 6, 2017

The iHeart Radio Awards happened. The parade of easily replaceable teen pop stars is like watching a Disney version of a child sex trafficking auction. Move the kids from commercials to TV to fronting radio play auto-tuned mall songs. Pretend they still aren't yet sexually developed at eighteen. Hold out for a Sunny D commercial and pray for no drug scandals.

Christina Milian was having none of that shit. It's like mama walked into the whorehouse to show the junior league bitches what's what. Opportunity is knocking. Open the door and give it a memorable hummer.

This was never about music. This is corporate marketing. We've got TBS and press pools and somebody rented out Circus Circus for an afterparty. Your hit song could be the next monotonous blond chick's hit song by next week. You have zero job security. See these tits in this dress? That means I'm still getting paid at thirty-five. The rest of you will be agenting ranch style houses in Reseda with partners named Dan. Whomp.

Photo Credit: FameFlyNet 

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