This Britney Spears Sex Tape has Been Brought to You by Kevin Federline

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bill-swift - November 13, 2006

You would think that marrying Kevin Federline would be the dumbest thing Britney Spears could possibly do, but you would be wrong. You might even think making a sex tape with Kevin Federline would be the dumbest thing Britney Spears could do, but you would be wrong again.

No, the dumbest Britney Spears did was to file for divorce from the guy who's in possesion of her sex tape. According to The Sun, Kevin Federline is so angry at Britney for dumping him, that he's shopping around the sex tape they made together while on their honeymoon. And word is, the going rate is $50 Million.

Dumped husband K-Fed has already been offered £26 million for the four-hour tape, shot on the couple's honeymoon.

Britney, 24, fears the raunchy footage will destroy her wholesome image unless she caves in to his demands for a £16 million payoff and custody of their children Sean Preston, one, and Jayden James, eight weeks.

Britney slapped divorce papers on Federline after she caught him in a bedroom with another woman.

Now I don't know what "wholesome image" they're talking about, but I can think of a lot of reasons not to want your sex tape to be sold around the world to anyone with a credit card and $29.95.

So here's a lesson I think most celebrities should study, and study well. It's not even that hard. If you don't want your sex tape released to the public, don't make a damn sex tape. Or at the very least, don't piss off the guy who was holding the camera. Really, how stupid do you have to be?

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