Bella Thorne Makes A Crap Ton Of Money Off Instagram

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Sam Robeson - April 12, 2018


AIDS under a microscope Bella Thorne is the only useless piece of shit that matters in this world, and thanks to a new video from Vogue, we know that I'm not the only one who sees the magic in this botched whore. Thorne reveals that brands are willing to pay up to $65,ooo to be featured in one of her regular Instagram posts and between $10,000 and $20,000 to dissipate into thin air after twenty-four-hours on Snapchat or Instagram Story. Unfortunately none of these brands are Proactive.

Thorne claims to have purchased her $2 million Sharman Oaks, CA abode pretty much solely with the Instagram money she's reaped from companies that can spot true talent when they see it:

Instagram is a hundred percent a job to me. I started out at 18 with literally $200 in my bank account and I bought this house a year later, a year and a half, and that's all from social media.

In case you couldn't connect the dots on Thorne's face, she isn't necessarily repping Fortune 500 corporations, and in 2016 actually got paid to get her eyebrows tattooed on Snapchat. But would I rather see Thorne get desecrated on Snapchat than see Jennifer Aniston talk about how poor people need to shoot themselves in the face in a commercial for Emirates Airlines? Yes. Thorne's over 17 million Instagram followers obviously enjoy the finer things in life, and if looking at her pics means that their phones contract HPV and crabs and Giardia, then oh well. Worth it.


Photo Credit: Splash News / Instagram

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