Chris Brown gave another half assed apology

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editor - March 24, 2011

Chris Brown went on 106 and Park yesterday and apologized for his actions on Tuesday when he smashed a window in his dressing room at Good Morning America, but it turns out he should be the one getting an apology, because this was all a big set up.

"First of all, I just wanna apologize to anybody who was startled in the office, anybody who was offended or really disappointed in my actions, because I was disappointed with the way I acted."
"A lot of people don't know what went down, and obviously when I do shows or when I do interviews, we always send out a talking point sheet. As the interview proceeded, it was kinda thrown off. I was thrown off by it."?
"I felt like they told us this just so they could get us on the show so they can exploit me. So I took it very, very hard and I really kinda kept my composure throughout the whole interview, although you can see me upset, I kept my composure, I did my performance."
?"And when I got back [stage] I just let off steam. I didn't physically hurt anyone, I didn't try to hurt anyone, I just wanted to release the anger that I had inside me because I felt that I worked so hard for this music and I felt like people kept just trying to take it away from me."

The reality of course is that he was not tricked in any way, and in fact Robin Roberts spoke to Brown before the interview and asked if it was ok to talk about Rihanna. He said it was, then went all apeshit anyway. Christ, it's just Robin Roberts. It's not like he was being questioned by the Stasi. If Chris Brown wants me to call him a "faggot", he's doing a great job lately.

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