Hannah Stocking Doesn’t Understand How the NBA Works

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Lex Jurgen - October 13, 2015

It's probably hard for really good looking women to contemplate there are some small subset of men who see them as fully replaceable. Maybe not you or I, but NBA ballers like Klay Thompson who just got a ring and a four year, sixty-nine million dollar guaranteed contract. Hannah Stocking caught Klay Thompson sleeping with a woman she refers to as a 'groupie' which seems like a pretty lazy assessment and called him out on Twitter. Pwned! I miss that.

There is no worse shame for a man than to have the entire world know you have one crazy hot girlfriend and you're still nailing other women on the side. Forget being served at Arby's anymore. This must be a world gone mad type feeling for Hannah Stocking who've had men fawning over her since well before it was even appropriate. Like Superman being stripped of his superpowers if his superpowers were that every guy in the world wanted to fuck him doggystyle. I'm sure that's coming soon in an LGBT kowtowed edition of DC Comics.

Hannah, it's time for a re-assessment. Or, just drop down to the Developmental League. Success is relative.

Photo Credit: Instagram

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