Scott Disick Now Banging Nicole Richie’s Younger Sister

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elliot-wolf - September 21, 2017

Scott Disick does it again. The last thing any man should do when a woman is the reason authorities show up with a straight jacket at your place of residence. Get involved with another woman. That's insanity in its rawest form. Time makes fools of us all. Lord Disick is now after a 19-year-old Sofia Richie. Sofia claims that they’re just friends. But the rest of the world knows platonic friends between men and women don’t really exist without ulterior motives. Unless she’s ugly. Then she’s just one of the guys who gets overly emotional one week out of every month. 

“Since returning to L.A., Scott and Sofia are inseparable. They are spending every day together. Sofia seems smitten.” “Scott takes care of her, opens the car door and pays for everything,” the source adds.

I’m not sure who’s more at fault for this relationship. Scott for not giving dating a break to heal himself. Or Sofia for dating someone closer to her dad’s age. It’s only a matter of time before whatever it is these two have going on to bust. Crazy only works well on women. Britney can bounce back from a bald head and assaulting civilians with an umbrella. But on the other hand just look at what Jim Carey is going through. Being a few eggs short of a dozen is only acceptable when most of the world wants to bang you. Being blonde with boobs also doesn’t hurt either. I’m sure Scott and Sofia have plenty in common. Like compatible genitalia. What other reason do you really need. 

Photo Credit: Instagram

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