Choose Your Own Little Slice of Creeptastic in ‘The Evil Within’

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chris-littlechild - August 2, 2014

The Evil Within is an intriguing prospect. The involvement of Shinji Mikami, Mr. Resident Evil, is enough to make anyone put their pants back on and pay attention. After all, his last series installment was the much ballyhooed Resident Evil 4. We don't know what in the name of balls ‘ballyhooing' is, but it's probably a positive reaction.

So, anywho, it's great to see the spirit of that classic living on in this artwork. The Evil Within developer Bethesda has provided the three images in the gallery above. As you'll see over on their blog, one of these will become the reverse sleeve art for the game. Y'know, that fancy-ass little touch where you have an alternative cover to choose from? The one you very rarely freaking notice, because you don't pay attention to this sort of useless shit? That's the one. Huzzah!

It's a vote-for-your-favorite sort of affair, with the most popular choice taking pride of place on the inside. If you're not enamored by that ghastly barbed wire face weirdness already on the cover of The Evil Within, you're in luck. You get another option.

The image ‘Asylum' is way out in front just now, probably because of its homage-iness to that Resident Evil 4 shot (of that crazy bastard with the chainsaw in the woods). Hit the gallery to ogle the other options.

Via Destructoid.

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