Kate Beckinsale Ever Hot in Upcoming Edition of RedBook

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bill-swift - December 8, 2011

As voting continues in the Egotastic! Hotness Awards this week, there's an obvious sign of affection, or perhaps it's affliction, from many of you out there in relation to one Kate Beckinsale. I feel your happy pain. I really do. It's hard to imagine any ceremony involving sexy celebrities where Kate's name is not mentioned over and over again, most likely in hushed, unevenly breathed, tones. The brunette hottie drives me to great links, including dipping into the local discount beauty parlor, Ken Skeeves, to swipe a copy of the freshly minted January edition of Redbook, where Kate Beckinsale shows her dual sided hotness that does not threaten women, while it threatens the peaceful slumber of men. Enjoy.

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