Lindsay Arnold Makes Dancing with the Stars’ Parking Lot Worth Watching

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bill-swift - May 8, 2013

As you know, Dancing with the Stars remains on our down low list. As in, we'd never tell you what you can or can't watch on television, that's between you, your pussy whipper, and your maker. But we can advise you to keep it on the down low. However, good news, ogling the parking lot of the DWTS studios at rehearsal time is perfectly acceptable, especially when dancing pro Lindsay Arnold shows off a little bit of her hot dancer body.

Now, often times, dancers get a little hard and heavy in the musculature department for our tastes. I know some of you like yourselves a good barbarian woman challenge, we here at Egotastic! generally shy away from anything that might resemble work, so we like a tamer breed of the opposite sex. Firm, but soft. Soft, but firm. Or, as a perfect visual example, Lindsay Arnold who we can't stop staring at this morning. Enjoy.

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