Assassin’s Creed III Sails the Open Seas. See for Yourself in this New Clip (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - October 12, 2012

The imagery for Assassin's Creed III  has been very consistent throughout 2012: main character brandishing a tomahawk looking like a Colonial badass. And make no mistake, Connor will be scalping redcoats, militia men and Templars with that tomahawk throughout the game. Let's not forget, though, that AC3 has included a sailing/naval warfare component that's worth getting excited about as well. There have been tall ship/pirate/Age of Exploration themed games where you get to crew and operate a sailing vessel and most of those had you very involved in all the details. Things like timing your rope pulls and choosing different types of ammo depending on the battle you were in could get kind of tedious no matter how spiffy the game looked.

In Assassin's Creed III, Connor is captain (!) and in control of how much sail he can put on the wind (none, half or full) and what weapons to fire on the enemies. These ships don't turn on a dime because wind is a consideration so the challenge to maneuver into an attacking position will be always be there. Have a look at the clip and you'll see what I mean.

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