A Brief History of Lara Croft’s Formidable Boobage: From Tomb Raider to the Porn-tacular ‘Womb Raider’

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chris-littlechild - September 13, 2012

Lara Croft is verily an icon of popular culture, a virtual vixen recognizable to gaming connoisseurs and eschewers alike. (Proffered an image of Halo's Master Chief, the latter may merely proclaim It's... a dude in a helmet; tongue lolling and mouth afoam in a piteous state of bemusement. Perhaps they'll interject a helmet/penis joke; but flagrant punnery shall not obscure their ignorance. Ms. Tomb Raider, conversely, is rather more prominent among the console-challenged.)

Primarily, this can be attributed to her character design, the technical term for which being titillating with tits on. In 1996, the inaugural Tomb Raider venture acquainted us with Lara, and her remarkable twofold proclivities for implausible gymnastics and shooting tigers in the nutsack. Most pertinent here, however, is her other set of twin talents. In the nineties, monumental triangular chesticles that resembled the corroded cannons of a centuries-old shipwreck was the lofty pinnacle of gaming's sex factor. Sixteen years later, Tomb Raider's boobarama kleptomaniac remains a firm (indeed, very firm. Look, ma! I made a funny!) bastion of any hottest women that don't exist lexicon. Why? Hit the gallery for an ogle-tastic investigation.

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