Does Ubisoft Have a ‘Watch Dogs’ Movie In the Pipeline?

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bill-swift - June 18, 2012

It goes without saying that Ubisoft's Watch Dogs was a hit when it debuted at E3 earlier this month. The game developer's newest action title will combine action and stealth in its gameplay, which promises to combine "cutting-edge technologies and sophisticated game design" to give players the ultimate gaming experience.

In Watch Dogs, players will take on the role of antihero Aiden Pearce, who's got a knack for hacking into any connected system to control and coerce almost every element around him. The game won't be released until 2013 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC, and already there are rumors that a movie for the video game is already in the works.

This is according to a report by Fusible, who did a little digging and discovered that among the handful of domain names Ubisoft registered last June 14th, four of them were hinting at an upcoming Watch Dogs movie. Here's the list of related domains:

  • (Whois)
  • (Whois)
  • (Whois)
  • (Whois)

The movie might still be a long way off, but it's definitely something to look forward to given the amazing previews that we've seen of the video game so far.

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