Rachelle Goulding Bikini Biking in Shorts Shorts For Full Lust Potential

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bill-swift - January 7, 2015

Rachelle Goulding is that hot model she-banging that dude who was on Gossip Girl and is prettier than the rest of you. That's all I remember. But it is important from time to time to remember to the victor goes the spoils. So if you look like a model and you can get yourself a sweet TV gig, girls like Rachelle will ride their bikes in bikini tops over to your place to run lines. Or whatever the kids are calling it these days

There is something extra special about girls on bikes. Bikini girls on bikes, that much more so. And sextastic young ladies on bikes in bikinis going to make the sexy on the Ferris Wheel (I might have added that part), well, off the charts. Please, let 2015 I hear the bicycle bell outside my window and a hot girl carrying a bottle of wine and a baguette in her basket looking up at my knowingly. In fact, skip the wine and baguette, completely useless. Enjoy.

Photo Credit: Splash

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