Starlet Winner: Michelynne. Whatever.

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bill-swift - April 6, 2005

Yes, that's right, Michelynne McGuire is the Starlet. The thing I don't understand about this contest was the notion that they wanted to pick skills over beauty, which the judges were so intent on showing by sending all the hotties home early. But if talent and skills was their main concern, why Michelynne? She's cute and spunky, but the girl can't act. Maybe in a couple years, but right now, no. What's more, if you saw the preview for the upcoming ep. of One Tree Hill, it's obvious that they're writing in a new "bitchy" character to go opposite Sophia Bush's "Brooke" (yes, I do watch One Tree Hill, bite me). Why, then, didn't they choose Mercedes? They even said she was cold. Whatever happened to type-casting!? Wrong move WB. Wrong move. (Still, a good bit of cross-promotion, and they'll probably pick up a few new viewers.)

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