Anne Hathaway Wet and Giddy at the Beach in Miami

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bill-swift - March 11, 2014

Wow, even the girls who don't like showing off are now officially hanging out at Miami Beach. That doesn't even make any sense, and, yet, it's happening, as Anne Hathaway, who has been exercising herself into top notch shape these past many months, opted for sun protective wear over exhibition at the beach over the weekend.

Nonetheless, the water did its job and allowed us to see a decent amount of her female form, and enough skin to let us know the girl could use some more time in the sun, or at least the fake tanning room. Anne definitely falls into that category of modern thespianic deathly afraid of Mother Sol, keeping the skin perfectly smooth by keeping it pale and protected. I suppose that makes sense. Though I also suppose five minutes running completely nekkid along the beach will do little harm. Let's have it Anne, a sweet five minutes for the memory banks, then back int your protective layers. Enjoy.

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