Jessica Hart Black And White Bikini In Cannes

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bill-swift - May 21, 2016

Jessica Hart found what may be the only sandy beach in the South of France and took the opportunity to show off her model body in a black and white bikini. Because it's Cannes and every model who's worth her weight in swimsuits or fashion is in the city hanging out for the hot premiere and after parties at ritzy venues. Which means taking in a little sun in the daytime as this sextastic Aussie veteran model did. Her bikini visible for many nautical miles, allowing even those of us with 30-50 vision to catch her sweet views.

Jessica is fairly demure when it comes to obvious shows of skin in public. Sadly so you might say. Her sister maybe a little less. So the chance to see the Down Under blonde in a two piece swimsuit clung tightly to her bosom and buttockals was indeed a treat. The more I malign the film festivals the more I feel the need to apologize as it is the central event that brings in so much incredibly good looking people to one single place and time and not a lot of covering up. So, Cannes, I am sorry. Can you ever forgive me? And more importantly, can you insist upon a no-clothing rule for just one evening? C'mon, Cannes, do this for us. Enjoy.

Photo Credit: Splash

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