Fanny Neguesha Flashing Big Curves in Miami

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bill-swift - March 29, 2017

Depending on who you believe, Belgian rapper and model and tons of other things that go with looking exotic and having big funbags, Fanny Neguesha is either dating a big time Euro soccer player, or she's hanging out after dark with Drake. Both is also a possibility you have to believe. Busy girls are successful girls. I don't know where that came from. I think I'm channeling my grandma at this point.

Fanny and her curvaceous blessed friends took their exhibitionist outfits and hair and the whole package along the walkways of Miami Beach where you are absolutely positively going to be identified. It's the capital of being seen this time of the year. Every international hot lady person in the world is in Miami, and so are most of the world's paparazzi. Tough assignment. I'm not clear on Fanny's professional talents. I'm very clear on her personal ones. She's not going to spend much time without a famous boyfriend. Bold prediction. Also, if your feet need sun to grow, hers might shrink. That's also from grandma. I miss her. Enjoy.

Photo credit: FameFlynet

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